
Why we are striking at Ford Motor Company

I work at Ford, Michigan Assembly Plant, Local 900. Half my plant is officially on strike. As we go through this process here’s some financial figures to remind us of what we’re doing. Here’s why we fight, and here’s Fords greed. Fords profit last year was $23.66 BILLION dollars. Mind you, that’s not revenue, that’s profit. That’s what’s left over after the company pays all its costs. Even during Covid, one of our slowest economic times in recent times, Ford made a profit of $14.39 BILLION. Ford currently employs 57,000 UAW workers. If Ford Motor Company DOUBLED our wage, it would cost the company roughly $3.81 billion. That’s right folks. If ford all payed us double our salary, all year long, they’d still have made out with almost a $20 billion dollar profit to reward shareholders and fund buyback schemes. We aren’t even asking for double, we are asking for…

I work at Ford, Michigan Assembly Plant, Local 900. Half my plant is officially on strike. As we go through this process here’s some financial figures to remind us of what we’re doing.

Here’s why we fight, and here’s Fords greed.

Fords profit last year was $23.66 BILLION dollars. Mind you, that’s not revenue, that’s profit. That’s what’s left over after the company pays all its costs.

Even during Covid, one of our slowest economic times in recent times, Ford made a profit of $14.39 BILLION.

Ford currently employs 57,000 UAW workers.

If Ford Motor Company DOUBLED our wage, it would cost the company roughly $3.81 billion.

That’s right folks. If ford all payed us double our salary, all year long, they’d still have made out with almost a $20 billion dollar profit to reward shareholders and fund buyback schemes.

We aren’t even asking for double, we are asking for a fair, middle class wage.

And FOMOCO should be happy that that’s all we’re demanding, because in all Honesty, we are due a hell of a lot more than what we’re asking. We’re due more than double what we’re asking.

Remember brothers and sisters, all profits are just the extra value of YOUR labor that the company keeps for themselves.

These companies want to keep us in line, they want to make us feel like we are lucky to work for them. No it’s the other way around, they are lucky to have us do the work.

I’m posting this on a couple different pages, including my timeline and non union pages, and I just want to say, if you aren’t currently in a union, look into what resources are available to start one at your place of work. If every working class person had access to collective bargaining we could change this world. We wouldn’t be drowning in debt. We wouldn’t be priced out of a housing market. We wouldn’t have to toil away all year long with the only luxuries you can afford is a handful of dinners and an Xbox.

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