
It’s not your fault you don’t have the savings you need to stop working

Society is designed to siphon money from you. Ads are shown to you constantly because they just need to catch you in a moment of weakness in order for you to part with your hard earned cash. You will be told you need more discipline. That you need to make more sacrifices. That you need to be stronger. But that's all bullshit in a system that's designed to take advantage of you. If we're going to talk about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY …why don't we talk about the people running companies and governments taking personal responsibility for their systems? Predatory systems that have proven time and again that they are great at separating people from their money. Corporations and governments are ALL WORKING TOGETHER so you have to work more to make ends meet. There is so much propaganda out there that makes people feel like they can save their way to…

Society is designed to siphon money from you. Ads are shown to you constantly because they just need to catch you in a moment of weakness in order for you to part with your hard earned cash.

You will be told you need more discipline. That you need to make more sacrifices. That you need to be stronger. But that's all bullshit in a system that's designed to take advantage of you.

If we're going to talk about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY …why don't we talk about the people running companies and governments taking personal responsibility for their systems? Predatory systems that have proven time and again that they are great at separating people from their money.

Corporations and governments are ALL WORKING TOGETHER so you have to work more to make ends meet.

There is so much propaganda out there that makes people feel like they can save their way to wealth.

Not to mention the smug personal anecdotes of people who've escaped the rat race.

“I did it, so they can too.” No. They can't. You are a statistical anomaly. The system is not designed to encourage class mobility.

That is not how this system works, nor how it is designed to work.

Maybe on paper it's possible. But as we've seen with the justice system, what's on paper is not how things play out in the real world.

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