
In 5 years I worked for 4 companies for more pay yet they all have the same problem of under staffed and over stressed

I worked for some high profile engineering consulting companies and it was not like it used to be in the early 2010. Back then there was order and well maintained process to doing things. Multiple groups took their time and managed projects well. Deadlines where met and people went to work and left on time. Now companies have zero training in place, the training is being given my staff that currently stayed with the company. The turn over rate is much higher and the ones that have to give training are new to the company as well. People are working longer hours, and the effort is more due to low staff, there are more people giving orders than people actually producing. The older senior positions are waiting to retire, while the young new grad staff are over stressed with learning and doing more than what they need to. The staff…

I worked for some high profile engineering consulting companies and it was not like it used to be in the early 2010. Back then there was order and well maintained process to doing things. Multiple groups took their time and managed projects well. Deadlines where met and people went to work and left on time.

Now companies have zero training in place, the training is being given my staff that currently stayed with the company. The turn over rate is much higher and the ones that have to give training are new to the company as well. People are working longer hours, and the effort is more due to low staff, there are more people giving orders than people actually producing. The older senior positions are waiting to retire, while the young new grad staff are over stressed with learning and doing more than what they need to. The staff in the middle of both these groups are the ones trying to pick up the pieces of the senior staff that can't adopt to online/wfh while also trying to train the younger staff.

On top of that the quality of work had severely dropped, to a point I am scared of the product that is being designed and produced.

I am pretty much looking into leaving the field that I loved and enjoyed for the first 8 years of my career but ever since 2018 the industry changed for the worst and the pandemic definitely made things even more. Every consulting company now seems like a revolving door.

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