
Work is stressful with badly focused leadership

When work is stressful, I dream about it. And oh my gosh, it's been really hard lately. Stress dreams are always in the form of zombies for me. These dreams sort of carryover subconsciously into the everyday, which makes the stress worse, but maybe someone will get a laugh out of last night's nightmare. It was the zombie apocalypse, and leadership called a meeting to figure out how to posture against it. Lots of heated discussion from the bigwigs and their underlings. Bigwig 1: “I don't understand why we have to use full stakes… can't we just poke them with toothpicks?” Bigwig underling brown-noser: “Better yet, let's just blow sawdust in the air. It's much more economical.” Chatter and chatter as they try to one up each other. Me: “Wait, you're fighting the wrong monster with that… that's vampires, not zombies! We need swords, hand grenades, and….” Them cutting me…

When work is stressful, I dream about it. And oh my gosh, it's been really hard lately. Stress dreams are always in the form of zombies for me. These dreams sort of carryover subconsciously into the everyday, which makes the stress worse, but maybe someone will get a laugh out of last night's nightmare.

It was the zombie apocalypse, and leadership called a meeting to figure out how to posture against it. Lots of heated discussion from the bigwigs and their underlings.

Bigwig 1: “I don't understand why we have to use full stakes… can't we just poke them with toothpicks?”

Bigwig underling brown-noser: “Better yet, let's just blow sawdust in the air. It's much more economical.”

Chatter and chatter as they try to one up each other.

Me: “Wait, you're fighting the wrong monster with that… that's vampires, not zombies! We need swords, hand grenades, and….”

Them cutting me off: “Sawdust, that's brilliant Jones! Give Jones a raise and get someone on that now.”

Me: slithers from the room seeking safety

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