
Our intern turned full time employee got terminated Thursday & I am furious.

I work for a “major” web platform. I have roughly 8 years into the industry. Been with this company roughly a year now. And for context, the team as a whole as had 1 one on one reviews with management regarding our KPIs. Our latest team member was a recent graduate who intern for us during the spring and went on to be onboard in the summer. She was informed that she was under performing etc. which is fine. Personally, she was improving, willing to learn, and putting in the time to get better. She was let go because of what I believe was inexperience. She was taking too long was current projects, she was logging her time at the end of the day instead of as we went, and largely more stuff driven by data. Now, I do want want to be that guy. I believe data is key…

I work for a “major” web platform. I have roughly 8 years into the industry. Been with this company roughly a year now. And for context, the team as a whole as had 1 one on one reviews with management regarding our KPIs.

Our latest team member was a recent graduate who intern for us during the spring and went on to be onboard in the summer. She was informed that she was under performing etc. which is fine. Personally, she was improving, willing to learn, and putting in the time to get better.

She was let go because of what I believe was inexperience. She was taking too long was current projects, she was logging her time at the end of the day instead of as we went, and largely more stuff driven by data.

Now, I do want want to be that guy. I believe data is key in decision making, but it never should be the end all be all. I don't think this was it. I think it's bullshit that a talented young designer was let go without the chance to improve. They were never given a “hey improve or we may have to consider letting you go” or more in depth coaching. I am a firm believer in raising up talent. Building someone up. She had all the makings of someone who is a asset and had all the potential in the world to amazing (she built what was arguable the best website developed in the company's history). I been in her position where a CEO wanted to get rid of me for the exact same level of bullshit.

I feels more like a budget play to save cash on labor. While we are seeing record numbers in productivity and revenue. To line the pockets of men who have infinitely more then I will ever have. By the will of a man who debates the concept of manipulation in our company meetings. It's just more and more but I am seeing none of that.

And what I am ashamed of is, I just stood by and let it happened. When my head was on the block, I had someone who championed me. And I wished I did more in the moment. To champion someone who earned their spot and deserved it. We are imperfect people expecting to yield perfect results. And it's wrong and super unrealistic. No one deserves to be sent to wolves for imaginary expectation confined to a construct that is “Make shit up as you go”. Everyone deserve a chance, but most importantly, everyone deserve to be recognized for their worth.

It's the reason why I got out of culinary and went to tech. And now will be the reason why I leave tech. Businessman take advantage of our passion & our dedication to our craft and set the market rate for us. While we get up at 5:30am to catch a 6am bus, they are rolling up at 8am in their Benz. While we budget and meal prep & are basically starving ourselves, they are setting high with their catered meals. We give our best, while we are given nothing. And all we ask is a fair shot, proper salary, and benefits.

I just fucking hate it.

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