
The job market and interview process is a joke

I’ve been job hunting for months… trying to leave a toxic workplace. It seems that no matter the industry, there are TONS of job postings. However, I’m not sure whether employers are actually hiring. There are so many people who are in my same position, filling out applications, using numerous job sites to send in resumes on a daily basis with no movement towards a new position. I had what I thought was a promising opportunity a few months ago. Had a chat with the HR recruiter then interviewed with the person I would report to. She was impressed, informed me that a panel interview would need to be completed next. She gave me some tips on how to prepare. Which I did. I had a 1 hour interview with 5 other people… who I wouldn’t be working with directly. The would-be manager was also on the call and made…

I’ve been job hunting for months… trying to leave a toxic workplace. It seems that no matter the industry, there are TONS of job postings. However, I’m not sure whether employers are actually hiring. There are so many people who are in my same position, filling out applications, using numerous job sites to send in resumes on a daily basis with no movement towards a new position.

I had what I thought was a promising opportunity a few months ago. Had a chat with the HR recruiter then interviewed with the person I would report to. She was impressed, informed me that a panel interview would need to be completed next. She gave me some tips on how to prepare. Which I did. I had a 1 hour interview with 5 other people… who I wouldn’t be working with directly. The would-be manager was also on the call and made some supporting comments to the other interviewers, making it clear that she felt I was a good fit. I guess there was some dissension within the group. 2 days later I received a call from the would-be direct manager saying they wanted to go a different way. She sounded disappointed and wished me well. I appreciated her calling me directly as opposed to having the HR person give me the bad news.

I just don’t get what companies get from going against what direct managers want. It’s strange to me. Why not trust the person who clearly knows what’s needed on a day-to-day basis and feels good about the applicant they’ve chosen? Can someone answer this question??? It’s truly bewildering.

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