
I feel abused lately at my workplace of 5+ yrs

I only have one day off and when I have it, I am being bombarded on my personal phone with ridiculous questions, inquiries that could wait the next day I come back to work. When I dont respond to the messages, I get a phone call, either explaining what they need me for or to reply to my messages. Sometimes I argue and talk it over the next day or I just let it go because I let it slide many times. This behavior is coming from my coworker who is the leader and she “covers” me on my day off in another branch because the company is so cheap to close down for one day. Yesterday, they decided to have a meeting with the rest of the staff and this was decided 10 mins before I finish. I got a call from this coworker to prepare some papers and…

I only have one day off and when I have it, I am being bombarded on my personal phone with ridiculous questions, inquiries that could wait the next day I come back to work. When I dont respond to the messages, I get a phone call, either explaining what they need me for or to reply to my messages. Sometimes I argue and talk it over the next day or I just let it go because I let it slide many times. This behavior is coming from my coworker who is the leader and she “covers” me on my day off in another branch because the company is so cheap to close down for one day.

Yesterday, they decided to have a meeting with the rest of the staff and this was decided 10 mins before I finish. I got a call from this coworker to prepare some papers and I was blamed that it is not done because in her own words ” and why you didn't figure out what should be prepared if we have a meeting thst you knew of?” I said that now everything is my fault and hanged up. Next day, which is my day off, she called me like 3 times, I picked up and she was arguing about something that she didn't wanna use her brain for and just do it. I, again, told her how it should be done and explained and then hanged up but then she texted me and I decided to ignore the messages. But then she texted and called at the same time and called through the messagenger service and sent ” answer your phone or this will be bad” I put my phone on silence and then I replied after an hour with a question mark and to manage and to not text me on my day off again but she had the audacity to say : I will as long as things aren't done.

It's a private small company so there is only the owner who is very biased because that coworker is from the same country and they are best friends (both are women) I am leaving once I find a different job but it's hard in the market right now but I wanna teach these baboons a lesson. For context, they can't just let me go because I manage their main branch and I have so much on them that they wouldn't want me to revenge over.

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