
Overworked and Fresh out of Grad school

This is just a rant. I know it’s partly my fault for my lack of setting boundaries but man I’m so tired. First off, I just graduated with my MA in May and was having difficulty finding jobs that had enough hours. They started they were full time but I would work 20 max. Applied and got my current job doing administrative work, however I’m the only person working in 8 (now 9) buildings in my area. Everyone else is in the southern part of the state. They hired someone with me to do part time another job and then help me with my responsibilities but I don’t know what happened they decided their personality/skills didn’t fit the role so they are just responsible for their own duties. I did vocalize multiple times that I am feeling overwhelmed, and how I’ve been working 60 hour work weeks (I’m also pregnant…

This is just a rant. I know it’s partly my fault for my lack of setting boundaries but man I’m so tired.

First off, I just graduated with my MA in May and was having difficulty finding jobs that had enough hours. They started they were full time but I would work 20 max. Applied and got my current job doing administrative work, however I’m the only person working in 8 (now 9) buildings in my area. Everyone else is in the southern part of the state.

They hired someone with me to do part time another job and then help me with my responsibilities but I don’t know what happened they decided their personality/skills didn’t fit the role so they are just responsible for their own duties. I did vocalize multiple times that I am feeling overwhelmed, and how I’ve been working 60 hour work weeks (I’m also pregnant with my first so I’m already tired on top of that) and they just started looking for someone to help. By the time they train the new hire etc., I feel like this job is draining me.

But because I would have only been working 7 ish months before I’m due I don’t want to rock the boat too much since I don’t want to be let go or anything. I hope Im not excepted to train anyone since I barely started working there myself. I just have a sense of perfectionism so I will literally kill myself trying to meet standards that are way to high for one person to achieve.

I know I need to work on setting boundaries now but I’m scared to lol

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