
How did anyone do this?

How did anyone work jobs they don't want to do for their entire life? You're telling me you work a job that doesn't line up with your purpose in life for 40+ years and everyday you dredd going to work? It blows my mind we have to do this. Meaningless work. I don't think I can do this for my whole life. The 9-5 office job life sucks. Sorry for the rant, just having a slight existential crisis in my late 20s lol

How did anyone work jobs they don't want to do for their entire life? You're telling me you work a job that doesn't line up with your purpose in life for 40+ years and everyday you dredd going to work? It blows my mind we have to do this. Meaningless work. I don't think I can do this for my whole life. The 9-5 office job life sucks.

Sorry for the rant, just having a slight existential crisis in my late 20s lol

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