
Should I tell her off?

I'm either going to get called for a 3rd Zoom interview or I'm going to get the Dear John letter. Either way I want to tell the lady who interviewed me how rude and disrespectful she was. She was nice in the first interview. But in the second, she was just a rude bitch. The owner of the company was on it too and he and I connected. He looked irritated, but who knows. Have you ever told off the person who interviewed you? Either during or after the interview? If I do, I obviously would not take the job even if it was offered to me. I could not stand working with her.

I'm either going to get called for a 3rd Zoom interview or I'm going to get the Dear John letter. Either way I want to tell the lady who interviewed me how rude and disrespectful she was.
She was nice in the first interview. But in the second, she was just a rude bitch. The owner of the company was on it too and he and I connected. He looked irritated, but who knows.

Have you ever told off the person who interviewed you? Either during or after the interview?
If I do, I obviously would not take the job even if it was offered to me. I could not stand working with her.

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