
Shopify Support Advisor roles (Wtf is this)

I didn’t realize i applied for this job and accepted the offer after doing the interviews out of curiosity. This is in Canada. Never seen such a clusterfuck of a company in my entire life. First of all they start you at 17$ CAD an hour in 5 month contract increments, once you complete two contracts you may be offered a full time role at 19-20$ CAD an hour. They expect you to juggle between chats and scrutinize every second of your day and can fire you for the dumbest reasons because it’s a contract that can be revoked at any time. You get no benefits, nothing. Zero. Even if you get a full time offer you get nothing. You get an expense card you’re not even allowed to use other than charge $60 a month on it for internet. There is NO paid time off. Fucking retail jobs have…

I didn’t realize i applied for this job and accepted the offer after doing the interviews out of curiosity.

This is in Canada. Never seen such a clusterfuck of a company in my entire life.

  1. First of all they start you at 17$ CAD an hour in 5 month contract increments, once you complete two contracts you may be offered a full time role at 19-20$ CAD an hour.

  2. They expect you to juggle between chats and scrutinize every second of your day and can fire you for the dumbest reasons because it’s a contract that can be revoked at any time.

  3. You get no benefits, nothing. Zero. Even if you get a full time offer you get nothing. You get an expense card you’re not even allowed to use other than charge $60 a month on it for internet.

There is NO paid time off. Fucking retail jobs have it.

  1. Managers are your typical politicians who absolutely hate their work but will pretend they love it there simply because they’re beyond fucked if they leave the company as their skills translate very little elsewhere.

  2. Mass layoffs occurred recently and will occur again as they are implementing AI slowly.

  3. Im surprised they even gave me a job offer considering i have a university degree and worked in finance. I accepted it out of sheet curiosity. Turns out half of my team have a college education and took the job out of desperation. We barely started training and the morale is already quite depressing.

  4. There is ZERO career advancement. HR will tout the possibilities to grow within the company but then the moment you ask they’ll hit you with “Oh ya if you’re interested in a role just apply like everyone else” so technically there’s no way to be promoted out of this job. I met a support advisor that worked there for 8 years and didn’t get a pay raise in years.

  5. There’s always technical problems and they expect you to fix them yourself with little assistance going as far as using their reference guides to code a fix regarding a page not loading properly. Tech support is completely useless.

  6. Managers openly judge people by face value and not their performance. They’ll be extremely friendly to some and extremely cold to others so you know that “progression” won’t be the fairest within the team.

All in all, stay the fuck away. I resigned as quickly as i came and discovered this clown show of a company. If you’re struggling in your field, study a trade and get a decent job, don’t sacrifice your dignity for these slave jobs.

PS: I worked client management roles in other tech companies and banks and salaries were much higher, they didn’t waste your time with 5 month contracts, you get bonuses and full benefits.

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