
Just watched the best sacking and recruitment

Was visiting a friend today who has two new homes being built across the road and just saw the funniest thing. The original house was flattened and the lot split. Two different small business builders, different crews. One builder is apparently an arsehole, always swearing at his crew and regularly picking on the apprentice chippy (carpenter). The other crew are normally quietly getting on with the job and often joking around. Apparently about an hour before we arrived the arse had been swearing at his apprentice again about not doing something right and the kid had finally fired back about him not showing or explaining how it should be done. This resulted in a more abuse about just doing what he was told. We had been there chatting with our friend when things went right off. The boss had another go at the apprentice calling him useless dumb f..k at…

Was visiting a friend today who has two new homes being built across the road and just saw the funniest thing. The original house was flattened and the lot split. Two different small business builders, different crews. One builder is apparently an arsehole, always swearing at his crew and regularly picking on the apprentice chippy (carpenter). The other crew are normally quietly getting on with the job and often joking around.

Apparently about an hour before we arrived the arse had been swearing at his apprentice again about not doing something right and the kid had finally fired back about him not showing or explaining how it should be done. This resulted in a more abuse about just doing what he was told.

We had been there chatting with our friend when things went right off. The boss had another go at the apprentice calling him useless dumb f..k at full volume. Both crews just stop to watch as the kid lost it then started shouting back that he was a useless lazy boss who didn't know what the f…k he wanted, couldn't teach cos he didn't know sh-t.

Dead silence along the whole block as we all watched. Then the boss told the apprentice to pack his gear and f..k off cos he was fired.

Kid packed his gear as he yelled way more abuse back about finding a builder with a clue. Then as he had to walk past the other crew to his ute, that builder stopped him and said to put his gear on that site. We watched as the builder carefully wrote down all his info on the bonnet of his ute in full view of the other crew.

We were laughing at this deliberate you, then the kid puts his tool belt on, grabs a level and nail gun, raises them above his head then yelled at his previous boss 'hey f.cknut, kiss this' then turned and twerked at him.

We were laughing to much to hear the response. I'm gonna have to visit tomorrow morning at starting time. Should be an interesting build.

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