
My supervisor speaks almost exclusively in corporate buzzwords (long vent session here)

It's crazy and extremely annoying. They sound like they're reading from a script of things you're “supposed to say” to your employees but there is zero empathy, emotion, sincerity or anything. So impersonal and off putting. Chat GPT has more humanity than this person. This supervisor is new to being in leadership and has no idea of what we do. Morale is tanking and people feel pressured to do more work in a day than is actually possible, because the Corporate Robot doesn't understand the job and just thinks JUST DO MOAR WORK is the answer. But will waste time with meetings that should be emails, pointless “team building” nonsense games and begging people to come on camera because “I want to connect with you guys and see your faces!” yeah, so you can stare at my dead eyes while I disassociate because you're stretching 3 minutes of actual relevant…

It's crazy and extremely annoying. They sound like they're reading from a script of things you're “supposed to say” to your employees but there is zero empathy, emotion, sincerity or anything. So impersonal and off putting. Chat GPT has more humanity than this person.

This supervisor is new to being in leadership and has no idea of what we do. Morale is tanking and people feel pressured to do more work in a day than is actually possible, because the Corporate Robot doesn't understand the job and just thinks JUST DO MOAR WORK is the answer. But will waste time with meetings that should be emails, pointless “team building” nonsense games and begging people to come on camera because “I want to connect with you guys and see your faces!” yeah, so you can stare at my dead eyes while I disassociate because you're stretching 3 minutes of actual relevant content into 15.

So this really pissed me off the other day. I had a rough month due to some personal issues and mental health things and was put on a PIP. This was about 3 weeks into my supervisor coming to my team. I'm like okay, that's drastic given I've exceeded all my goals/metrics every other month for a couple years. So it's been about 3 months of that and life got slightly better and I was able to get back into the groove of things and was once again exceeding the goal. Our goal is to average “between 100 and 150 items per day” at the end of the month and I was at a steady 125. When I asked if I could be removed from the PIP because I did everything that was asked of me, consistently I was told that I'm “on the low end” of the goal (?????) and they would like to see more improvement and pointed out “well on this day you only did 75, this day you did 90, another day you did 120 its not consistent” UMM IF YOU KNEW THE ACTUAL FUCKING JOB YOU WOULD KNOW THAT THIS CAN VARY FROM DAY TO DAY! I have things I can't finish in one day and other people have complained about this!! What the FUCK is the point of having a monthly average if it doesn't matter? They had no answer to this and just kept repeating the same robot response. When I said “I'm feeling micromanaged, this has never been a problem with leadership before on this team” I got the response “I'm sorry that you feel micromanaged but you didn't do enough”. I know this was probably unprofessional but I HATE when people say “I'm sorry that you feel…” because it's so bullshit and passive agressive. So I ended the conversation with “okay. I think you're being ridiculous, but I'll do whatever you want”.

And here's the craziest part. I'm apparently not working hard enough and getting enough done, but right before we had this conversation they said they want me to take 3 weeks to be trained on something new. So you think I'm qualified to take on a new responsibility but at the same time I'm not handling my responsibilities to their standards and need to improve my performance?? While actually exceeding the goal?? Fuck off.

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