
My former boss may be cyberstalking me

I left my last job because my boss was abusive (yelled at me in front of all of my coworkers for another coworker wanting to swap shifts with me, yelled at me in front of customers for not being able to wear an earpiece due to my disability, blamed me for my coworker's suicide attempt, ect) and expected me to put up with abusive behavior from my other coworkers (sexual harassment, homophobia/transphobia, almost getting slapped, ect). Shortly before I left, I found out a girl I was friends with at this job, the one my boss said I drove to attempt suicide (let's just ignore the fact that she told this minor, who was open about having sexual trauma, to record, on her personal device, what she believed to be a man jerking off at the computers), was reporting everything I said in person and online to my boss. Everything…

I left my last job because my boss was abusive (yelled at me in front of all of my coworkers for another coworker wanting to swap shifts with me, yelled at me in front of customers for not being able to wear an earpiece due to my disability, blamed me for my coworker's suicide attempt, ect) and expected me to put up with abusive behavior from my other coworkers (sexual harassment, homophobia/transphobia, almost getting slapped, ect). Shortly before I left, I found out a girl I was friends with at this job, the one my boss said I drove to attempt suicide (let's just ignore the fact that she told this minor, who was open about having sexual trauma, to record, on her personal device, what she believed to be a man jerking off at the computers), was reporting everything I said in person and online to my boss. Everything from my personal life stuff to things I said about my boss.

Here is where I may have screwed up. I left less than a week before the biggest, most demanding event of the year for this place. In addition to this, a series of unfortunate events (covid, a car accident, and one of the teens that work there lying about being sick to get the day off) led to the workplace being shut down for two weeks, delaying that important annual event. Had she had just one or two more people on staff, she would not have had to shut down the event, severely hurting the stats for our location. I am pretty sure she blames me for the event going poorly.

Now, I waited a few months for things to die down, but eventually I needed to used the public resources my former workplace offers, so I went on a day that I knew it would mostly be people I was friends with on shift. This is where I first noticed things getting weird. I was getting questions about things I had posted on social media (mostly my tumblr account that no one there had, which had a different username than my tiktok, which I knew some of them had), and things about my new workplace (when I didn't tell any of them where I was going). For context, I use a fake name online, and use a different username on each site, so the only way someone could know it was my account was if they knew the fake name I was using.

This kept happening and I assumed it was just snitch-girl going through and telling my former boss stuff, but earlier this month I got a notification that my former-boss's husband tried to follow my tiktok. Now, my content is nothing like the content he was liking/posting, so I can't think of any reason this account would follow me other than to gather more information on me. In addition to this, right after that happened I received new followers on Instagram and Tumblr that looked like burner accounts (really basic description, all reblogs are things that are on the default tumblr homepage, no original posts, ect) and not bots (“sexy single milf wants to fuck” type stuff every time, especially on tumblr).

IDK, maybe I am being paranoid, but I think my former boss may be cyberstalking me, and I want everyone here to use this as a cautionary tale. Don't work for crazy. The only reason I don't regret taking this job is because I found a great friend while working there.

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