
Manager accidentally sent out fantasy termination / personal venting hate mail to employees

Hope this falls under 'jobs/work-related struggles'…really just a WTF moment I can't even comprehend has happened and makes me wonder about the state of our professional interactions and trust. A manager sent out JPEGs of draft emails they'd typed out without sending. Each image had a nasty, personal and conjecture filled email. This was followed below by a tactful rewording, minus any personal or conjectured criticisms, generated by AI as indicated by the AI software window captured in the image. Both versions essentially told the employee they aren't suited for the job should discuss their positions with HR. I did not receive the notes, but one of them was directed to me. The email they were attached to had no subject, and the file names seemed to be names of the AI prompt used to concoct a professional persona. HR told us they were sent unintentionally and we should continue…

Hope this falls under 'jobs/work-related struggles'…really just a WTF moment I can't even comprehend has happened and makes me wonder about the state of our professional interactions and trust.

A manager sent out JPEGs of draft emails they'd typed out without sending. Each image had a nasty, personal and conjecture filled email. This was followed below by a tactful rewording, minus any personal or conjectured criticisms, generated by AI as indicated by the AI software window captured in the image.

Both versions essentially told the employee they aren't suited for the job should discuss their positions with HR.

I did not receive the notes, but one of them was directed to me. The email they were attached to had no subject, and the file names seemed to be names of the AI prompt used to concoct a professional persona.

HR told us they were sent unintentionally and we should continue as if they hadn't been sent, and realistically I know nothing will become of this, people talk shit. Any trust or confidence in the managers feedback or intentions is shattered though.

It's just amazing and totally unexpected for me, working for 30 + years, to see something like this, and then to look online and see it encouraged in the workplace, and so rapidly see it demonstrated in my own life. Wild times.

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