
I don’t need to be here all day…

I'm going to keep it vague on purpose but pretty much the kind of job I have if I just showed up the last three or four hours of the day I can get everything done I don't need to be here all day. Even on the busiest of days I don't see myself having to be here longer than 5 hours. I sometimes joke to my coworkers that I get paid more to babysit the place than to do actual work. When I was younger I would hear the joke getting 8 hours of work done in 1 hour and thought that was just an exaggeration but now I understand how much truth there is in that.

I'm going to keep it vague on purpose but pretty much the kind of job I have if I just showed up the last three or four hours of the day I can get everything done I don't need to be here all day. Even on the busiest of days I don't see myself having to be here longer than 5 hours. I sometimes joke to my coworkers that I get paid more to babysit the place than to do actual work. When I was younger I would hear the joke getting 8 hours of work done in 1 hour and thought that was just an exaggeration but now I understand how much truth there is in that.

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