
I had one of those shower conversations play out in real life, don’t know how I feel.

We had an hour and a half long meeting today which caused me to be unable to finish on time. I had a task left to finish, which required one of my managers to look it over. I've lovingly called it “checking our homework.” The manager was unwilling to let me leave while she checked it, and would also not just check it in the morning. We get written up for not finishing these tasks daily, so I'm sure if I pushed back it'd be “you're not being written up for failing to stay late, you're being written up for failing to finish.” I ended up leaving 10 minutes late and I was very grumbly about it. My manager said something like “I don't mind staying late to get this done” even though she was clearly uncomfortable. I said I did mind. I don't have the exact word for word…

We had an hour and a half long meeting today which caused me to be unable to finish on time. I had a task left to finish, which required one of my managers to look it over. I've lovingly called it “checking our homework.” The manager was unwilling to let me leave while she checked it, and would also not just check it in the morning. We get written up for not finishing these tasks daily, so I'm sure if I pushed back it'd be “you're not being written up for failing to stay late, you're being written up for failing to finish.”

I ended up leaving 10 minutes late and I was very grumbly about it. My manager said something like “I don't mind staying late to get this done” even though she was clearly uncomfortable. I said I did mind.

I don't have the exact word for word conversation but it felt like a twitter argument in real life. I said something along the lines of “If I left 10 minutes early I'd be written up, right?” and she just said “well.” and tried to basically just ignore it. But I was mad and I kept going.

I said “That's not rhetorical. I'd be written up, right?” and she just looked at me. And, like, I almost felt like I was being a brat, but I'm fucking right and I resent it so fucking bad when people play dumb and pretend they need you to articulate something that they themselves fucking do.

I can tell she's burned out because she has to give bad news every single fucking week, just bullshit change and larger caseloads over and over and over. But god damn I don't really have any empathy when she just says shit she knows doesn't hold water.

We've had like 8 people quit in the past 8 months, before that we had one person quit in like 4 years.

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