
What small lives

I'm only in my thirties, but the existential dread is already nipping at my heels. There have been a few posts on the subreddit lately to the effect that we should want more than toil for our 80 odd years. It certainly sad that for most people that time will be consumed by work, but it makes me even more sad to see that some people have made their life projects about ensuring others have less. I'm not just talking about indifference to the suffering of others, but the active pursuit of austerity. They toil for their span of time to ensure that the people who pick their oranges, make their cars and phones, write there stories, etc, have to fight that much harder against deprivation. This is the goal that corrupt judges, union busters and the billionaire elite have dedicated their brief span of time to. What small lives…

I'm only in my thirties, but the existential dread is already nipping at my heels. There have been a few posts on the subreddit lately to the effect that we should want more than toil for our 80 odd years. It certainly sad that for most people that time will be consumed by work, but it makes me even more sad to see that some people have made their life projects about ensuring others have less.

I'm not just talking about indifference to the suffering of others, but the active pursuit of austerity. They toil for their span of time to ensure that the people who pick their oranges, make their cars and phones, write there stories, etc, have to fight that much harder against deprivation. This is the goal that corrupt judges, union busters and the billionaire elite have dedicated their brief span of time to.

What small lives they lead. That is all.

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