
My boss put me through hell and I returned the favor by quitting

It’s been a while since I quit and I’m keeping it vague so this doesnt come back to get me. Basically I was brought into a company and my manager was very narccisctic and unhelpful in many ways. They always talked shit about coworkers behind their backs with me and seemed to be very hands off with work despite their seniority in the company. They had beef with a coworker and fired them and I was the new guy on the block. I got handed the coworkers job on top of my current role. I had a week to learn it. eventually began to work 2 roles. Finally, a third role was handed to me. I began to stay up countless nights til sometimes 1 am working so I don’t fall behind. For 9 months, I worked the roles of 3 people for the same pay. If I asked for…

It’s been a while since I quit and I’m keeping it vague so this doesnt come back to get me. Basically I was brought into a company and my manager was very narccisctic and unhelpful in many ways. They always talked shit about coworkers behind their backs with me and seemed to be very hands off with work despite their seniority in the company.

They had beef with a coworker and fired them and I was the new guy on the block. I got handed the coworkers job on top of my current role. I had a week to learn it. eventually began to work 2 roles. Finally, a third role was handed to me. I began to stay up countless nights til sometimes 1 am working so I don’t fall behind. For 9 months, I worked the roles of 3 people for the same pay.

If I asked for help or advice, I’d get lectured or yelled at, and it got to the point where I felt abused. I cried in front of my manager before and they could feel the stress on my shoulders and even after that, they never made the effort to hire more people to help or try to assist me. I eventually dropped the news on their desk when they came back from a trip and said I’m calling it quits. I made a few shitty pdf guides of some of my roles and responsibilities and I made them purposely very convoluted processes that my manager could never understand due to their lack of technological knowledge with the softwares I was using. I was told my manager was crying the last week leading up to my departure because they couldn’t find a replacement. I just shrugged and said not my problem.

The last day came and I just drove home with a smile. i checked the career page the following week and saw two roles posted up just to cover me, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there was one more. My manager basically got handed the job of 3 people and now they’re under so much stress. Before I left, a few coworkers also approached me and said good on me for leaving, they’re also thinking the same. Feels good to get revenge!

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