
Are Product Managers Easy to Fire?

Recently, I have been considering going from being a developer to a product manager my work has been encouraging. However, I’m concerned about one person recently being let go due to budget constraints, and another person leaving the department because he found a better offer. They were eager to have me start training and picking up work but a friend suggested that I should avoid it in this economy, because when there are structural changes and budget constraints, the product, managers are the first ones to go.

Recently, I have been considering going from being a developer to a product manager my work has been encouraging. However, I’m concerned about one person recently being let go due to budget constraints, and another person leaving the department because he found a better offer.

They were eager to have me start training and picking up work but a friend suggested that I should avoid it in this economy, because when there are structural changes and budget constraints, the product, managers are the first ones to go.

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