
Coworker denied bereavement leave for the death of his aunt. He basically has no family left at this point.

Title says it all. What a fucked up, bullshit thing to do to an employee. We work in a pretty high stress, high burnout position, so we tear through what little PTO we're allotted per year. As we expected, the company took the position of it being an issue of 'consistency,' and that our current policy is already liberal enough. Some days the only thing that gets me through is fantasizing about walking out. One day, it will be a reality. ​

Title says it all. What a fucked up, bullshit thing to do to an employee. We work in a pretty high stress, high burnout position, so we tear through what little PTO we're allotted per year. As we expected, the company took the position of it being an issue of 'consistency,' and that our current policy is already liberal enough.

Some days the only thing that gets me through is fantasizing about walking out. One day, it will be a reality.

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