
I think my employer forgot about me?

I started a new (remote) job about 2.5 months ago. Higher pay, more responsibility- standard stuff. Except its been 2.5 months and they've given me nothing to do. No onboarding beyond a 30 minute session with HR on the first day. No meet and greets with the team. I've had 2 meetings with my boss who just talked at me about how bad things were before she worked here and 1 where I was to “shadow.” I get cc'ed on a lot of e-mails but nothing has action items for me or requests. I've been trying to find things to do to fill the time but this week, I just didn't (I did some food prep, cleaned my house, planted some flowers, etc.) and unsurprisingly no one noticed. Am I obligated to bring this to anyone's attention or should I just hang out? 3 days in I asked about things…

I started a new (remote) job about 2.5 months ago. Higher pay, more responsibility- standard stuff. Except its been 2.5 months and they've given me nothing to do. No onboarding beyond a 30 minute session with HR on the first day. No meet and greets with the team. I've had 2 meetings with my boss who just talked at me about how bad things were before she worked here and 1 where I was to “shadow.” I get cc'ed on a lot of e-mails but nothing has action items for me or requests. I've been trying to find things to do to fill the time but this week, I just didn't (I did some food prep, cleaned my house, planted some flowers, etc.) and unsurprisingly no one noticed.

Am I obligated to bring this to anyone's attention or should I just hang out? 3 days in I asked about things to do and was told “We'll schedule an orientation soon” but that was 2+ months ago now. Realistically, how long can I just f-around and collect a check? Could I get fired if they find out I'm doing nothing if they gave me nothing to do and trained me on nothing?

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