
Wife’s job won’t work around school schedule

My wife (F23) started nursing school last month, and has been working as a CNA at the hospital since December of last year, but worked the same at a different hospital (same company) for a year and a half. Hospital shifts are 12 hours and she has to work at night (6PM to 6:30AM) because she’s in school full time. She has tried to work with her manager to change her schedule so she only works Friday and Saturday nights so it doesn’t interfere with school. You would think that since she’s literally in nursing school they would be way more willing to work with her so she can still work, but no! Basically all her manager has said to her is to ask coworkers to trade shifts with her when she’s scheduled during the week, but practically all of her coworkers are in school too so it doesn’t work…

My wife (F23) started nursing school last month, and has been working as a CNA at the hospital since December of last year, but worked the same at a different hospital (same company) for a year and a half.
Hospital shifts are 12 hours and she has to work at night (6PM to 6:30AM) because she’s in school full time. She has tried to work with her manager to change her schedule so she only works Friday and Saturday nights so it doesn’t interfere with school. You would think that since she’s literally in nursing school they would be way more willing to work with her so she can still work, but no!
Basically all her manager has said to her is to ask coworkers to trade shifts with her when she’s scheduled during the week, but practically all of her coworkers are in school too so it doesn’t work out for them either.
She’s tried asking to work just one shift a week but the manager still won’t let her work either fridays or saturdays every week.
One of her coworkers is also in the same nursing program, and they have been talking together about trying to fix their work schedules, because it isn’t working for either of them. My wife was emailing the manager and trying her suggestions to find a schedule that would work, and ultimately gave her two weeks notice. Her coworker was also in contact with the manager to try and change her schedule and told her the same things they told my wife.
My wife’s coworker goes to send in her two weeks notice this morning, but sees an email from the manager giving her the schedule she needed. So the manager had the power to give anyone the schedule they wanted but just chose to be difficult and force an employee to either work themselves to death while in nursing school, or quit? We talked about this for weeks before deciding she should try and talk to her manager about her schedule again before putting in her two weeks.

TLDR: wife is working in hospital as a CNA while in nursing school. Manager won’t give her shifts to work weekends so she doesn’t work until 6:30am and then have to go to school 2 hours later. Manager then gives weekend shifts to wife’s coworker who is also in nursing school after my wife put in her two weeks

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