
Normalize recording your conversations with clients/employers.

Note: Make sure you live in a one party consent state. Otherwise, have a clause in your contracts with people that stipulates they consent to audio recording. People are liars and people gaslight. A week after you have a conversation with someone, they'll claim they don't remember and then it becomes your word against theirs. It's exhausting and I developed a system for dealing with it. I record people. If you call me on the phone, I am recording you. Yes, there's an app for that. If you call me over zoom or another type of call app, I am recording you. Are we speaking in person? Guess who has a recording device in his pocket to catch the audio? (Yup, me) It's all of the benefits of having a conversation over text or email. Those conversations are recorded so the argument that this is somehow an invasion of privacy…

Note: Make sure you live in a one party consent state. Otherwise, have a clause in your contracts with people that stipulates they consent to audio recording.

People are liars and people gaslight. A week after you have a conversation with someone, they'll claim they don't remember and then it becomes your word against theirs. It's exhausting and I developed a system for dealing with it.

I record people.

  • If you call me on the phone, I am recording you. Yes, there's an app for that.
  • If you call me over zoom or another type of call app, I am recording you.
  • Are we speaking in person? Guess who has a recording device in his pocket to catch the audio? (Yup, me)

It's all of the benefits of having a conversation over text or email. Those conversations are recorded so the argument that this is somehow an invasion of privacy falls flat. I only record business conversations. If we're discussing business, I need to have these details for my records to look back on and confirm.

I recently just used this to catch a client in a lie after he tried to screw me out of some money. He claimed he didn't remember any conversation we had and tried to deny he owed me any money. I had the conversation with him a week prior where he told me he'd be paying me for the work and agreed he owed it. I sent him the audio clip and it was done.

People are liars and try and pretend they forget things. Keep them honest by recording them.

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