
I am punished for being good at my job

I work in a big corporation in finance. Currently I am one of the best people in my team and a lot of people come to me for help. I am known as a person that can get stuff done, no matter the state of the process that is given to me. I helped with automation and flow process even though it was not required from me. Despite it, to my managers I am not existing when I want something. Yes, in private conversations I am praised how great I am, that it is really appreciated and whatnot. But I won’t get any significant pay rise with promotion being promised to me since the beginning of the year. These are the things that I care least about though. Time and time again I have repeatedly said that money is secondary to me and that I prioritize work-life balance above all…

I work in a big corporation in finance. Currently I am one of the best people in my team and a lot of people come to me for help. I am known as a person that can get stuff done, no matter the state of the process that is given to me. I helped with automation and flow process even though it was not required from me.

Despite it, to my managers I am not existing when I want something. Yes, in private conversations I am praised how great I am, that it is really appreciated and whatnot. But I won’t get any significant pay rise with promotion being promised to me since the beginning of the year. These are the things that I care least about though. Time and time again I have repeatedly said that money is secondary to me and that I prioritize work-life balance above all else. I even said that during my job interview when I was getting hired, as it was a reason I left my previous job.

Yet what do I get? More tasks, more things to do, more problems to solve. I get so much stuff thrown at me that I am never really sure if I am going to finish my workday on time or not. It’s very hard to have any kind of plans in private life, whether a dentist appointment or a meeting with friends. On the worst days I am working for 14 hours straight with no break. Despite this, when there is a week with no overtime, I keep hearing how things are going nicely and that we are „through with our problems”. I’m also on the lowest possible position in my team, yet I teach guys who are two levels higher than me and earn twice the money how to do stuff. I don’t get much support aside from myself.

On top of all that, my co-worker received promotion recently, despite not doing much more than me and I would even argue that by doing much less. I brought this up with my manager, to which I heard back: „I want you to be motivated by that instead of demotivated, that you will receive promotion in the future as well”. I don’t need to add that this person is on very good terms with the manager, do I?

I feel like I am experiencing some form of psychological abuse that is not open, that is very implicit in nature. I feel like I am used and lied to in front of my face. I am considering resigning from this hellhole this week, despite not having a new job in place, after I received even more tasks due to another co-worker getting sick. I feel like I will deteriorate my physical and psychological health if I stay, maybe it has happened already. I just hope I won’t starve when I leave, but then again, it’s hard to look for a new job with these working conditions.

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