
Having a college degree feels pointless

I’ve been out of school for 9 months now, and I can’t find a job. I spent the first few months applying for jobs in my relevant field that required a degree. Most of the time I never heard anything back. So I decided, well, there’s not a lot in my area for my degree so I’ll try other fields. Same story, just never hear anything back from anybody, even when I try to get a hold of the recruiter. So I think screw it, I’ll just start applying for jobs that only require a high school diploma, maybe I’ll stand out. The amount of times I was told I either was over qualified or under qualified, despite them being entry level jobs, has just pissed me off. I finally got an interview at a place I didn’t care to work for but I need the money. In the middle…

I’ve been out of school for 9 months now, and I can’t find a job. I spent the first few months applying for jobs in my relevant field that required a degree. Most of the time I never heard anything back. So I decided, well, there’s not a lot in my area for my degree so I’ll try other fields. Same story, just never hear anything back from anybody, even when I try to get a hold of the recruiter. So I think screw it, I’ll just start applying for jobs that only require a high school diploma, maybe I’ll stand out. The amount of times I was told I either was over qualified or under qualified, despite them being entry level jobs, has just pissed me off. I finally got an interview at a place I didn’t care to work for but I need the money. In the middle of the interview, they tell me they just hired the guy right before me because he has 6 months of experience using the software they use. My family has been on my case about if for the last month now and they don’t seem to understand having a degree doesn’t magically grant you a job, just some BS they fed to me as a kid. I can barely pay for my rent and my loans doing DoorDash. I rely on my brother to buy frozen meals I eat once a day and it sucks because I’d like to help him out with bills, but after nearly 70+ applications, no one will give me a shot. I’m also too poor to move away for a job at the moment so I’m marooned in this job market wasteland.

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