
Help me creatively waste time at work

I am looking for a more active way to waste time at work. Here is my story: I am a typical government employee. On average, I have one to two days per week when I am slammed with work. The rest of the work week I do nothing. At the moment, I just shop online and watch YouTube videos during my downtime, but after two and a half years, this passive time waste has grown stale. My dream would be to play video games at work somehow, and although I can access most sites, I can download the Blizzard client to play World of Warcraft. I have considered playing DnD via DnDBeyond, a site I can access. I have also taken advantage of more work-from-home opportunities, but in government, it is easier to sit in the office and do nothing rather than be asked about your work-from-home schedule. Working from…

I am looking for a more active way to waste time at work. Here is my story:

I am a typical government employee. On average, I have one to two days per week when I am slammed with work. The rest of the work week I do nothing.

At the moment, I just shop online and watch YouTube videos during my downtime, but after two and a half years, this passive time waste has grown stale.

My dream would be to play video games at work somehow, and although I can access most sites, I can download the Blizzard client to play World of Warcraft.

I have considered playing DnD via DnDBeyond, a site I can access. I have also taken advantage of more work-from-home opportunities, but in government, it is easier to sit in the office and do nothing rather than be asked about your work-from-home schedule. Working from home draws more ire than doing nothing all day in the office.

I have also considered watching weekday matinees at the cinema since I can safely disappear for up to 1-2 hours. In addition, I have considered finding a remote part-time job that I could work from my office. Although the application and interview process seems like too much effort for my lazy ass, but I am also open to that idea.

Do any folks out there have more creative and active ways to waste their days? I can only watch YouTube videos and read books online for so long.

I am happy to answer any questions that would help with recommendations. I live in a small city with approximately 60,000 people, so daytime activities are relatively few and far between. One thing I have considered would be finding a work buddy to go to lunches and things with. The problem is that all the other gov employees are very protective and know enough to keep up the act of being busy, even if they aren't.

TLDR: I am a lazy government employee looking for ideas on how to waste time at work that are more active than watching YouTube or reading a book.

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