
Job causing physical illness, what can I do?

Hi, I don’t know where to start to help myself through our situation at work. Thank you in advance for any help I truly I appreciate any advice! I’m the assistant manager at a specialty retail store. There have been many distasteful decisions made by the company without room for discussion or feedback that has now led to 2/3 of our staff leaving. They are not approving re-staffing requests in timely manner and seem to be milking the fact that we can achieve mostly the same results with 1/3 of the amount of people we should have. There’s not enough people to physically run the store during the hours of operation and workers are left by themselves sometimes, without managers. So the team has to decide in front of the customer at that moment if they should either tell them “sorry I can’t do that for you I’m the only…

Hi, I don’t know where to start to help myself through our situation at work. Thank you in advance for any help I truly I appreciate any advice!

I’m the assistant manager at a specialty retail store. There have been many distasteful decisions made by the company without room for discussion or feedback that has now led to 2/3 of our staff leaving. They are not approving re-staffing requests in timely manner and seem to be milking the fact that we can achieve mostly the same results with 1/3 of the amount of people we should have.

There’s not enough people to physically run the store during the hours of operation and workers are left by themselves sometimes, without managers. So the team has to decide in front of the customer at that moment if they should either tell them “sorry I can’t do that for you I’m the only person here” or do things above their pay grade they shouldn’t have to do just to avoid customer conflict.

Myself and the other 2 managers are working 6-7 days a week, sometimes 10-13 days in a row, and sometimes doubles. The rest of the team is being overworked by being expected to take on 3x the amount of work for no proper retribution.

I’m living by myself and have adhd and mental illness struggles. This has been happening at my job for 8 months but I have been physically sick for over a month from the stress and sacrifices I’ve had to make in my personal life and self care routines and I am in the worst condition of health I’ve ever been in. Im sorry if maybe this is more of a post for a neurodivergent or HR subreddit or something !

Anyway, I feel like quitting and losing this income and health benefits isn’t possible right now but I don’t know what to do to get out of this. Im in Massachusetts, is there any assistance I can get, like can I ask my HR person for an emergency leave, can I quit and apply for unemployment due to mental health issues from the jobs lack of support, can I call the BBB and report the working conditions, etc? Even if anyone can direct me to who/type of person or group to contact I can go from there, thank you so much!

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