
Why is hazing still a thing with certain jobs?

I work for a franchise company as a regional support rep. Throughout the year, I'm randomly asked to attend a franchise expo or two for support. Some guys in our company only do these shows throughout the year, that's all they do. Our company recently hired this young kid in his mid 20's and he's been doing a great job. At the shows he's on point, professional, and carries himself well. Outside the show he's laid back, a bit of a jokester, and has fun. He's well liked, but a lot of the older guys (50-65) will not stop messing with him. Ball busting, saying anything to get a rise out of him, really childish shit. One night we're all driving home from dinner after a day working the expo. There's my boss, one of our VP's that only does these shows, the young kid, and myself. The VP will…

I work for a franchise company as a regional support rep. Throughout the year, I'm randomly asked to attend a franchise expo or two for support.

Some guys in our company only do these shows throughout the year, that's all they do. Our company recently hired this young kid in his mid 20's and he's been doing a great job. At the shows he's on point, professional, and carries himself well.

Outside the show he's laid back, a bit of a jokester, and has fun. He's well liked, but a lot of the older guys (50-65) will not stop messing with him. Ball busting, saying anything to get a rise out of him, really childish shit.

One night we're all driving home from dinner after a day working the expo. There's my boss, one of our VP's that only does these shows, the young kid, and myself.

The VP will not stop fucking with this kid for his claustrophobia. Kid finally speaks up and says “Why you gotta do that? Why you treating me like an asshole, what'd I do to you? You think I like being like that, I don't. I just can't be in tight spaces”

The tension gets worse to the point its palpable. These two almost look like they're gonna go at it any second. We get back to the hotel and the kid storms inside and the VP says to me “Kid needs to get some thick skin and quit being such a little bitch”

I don't get why these guys act like its still 1984 and this kind of behavior is still okay. Not that it ever should've been, but fuck….

Worth mentioning, almost all of these road guys are barely functioning alcoholics.

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