
I’m tired of my job, had other expectations

Sorry for my English, my main language is french. So I work as an electrician for a housing company. The job is cool and paid ok. There is no pressure and I'm autonomous with my own van. We don't need to justify anything regarding what we did and how much time it took as long as we bring some finished work tickets. It's extremely safe, unless I do some really big mistake, I cannot be fired. I literally drove over someone while reversing with the company van that was the daughter of someone important in the company and it didn't have any consequences. But there are three big cons. When I started, we were 3 electrician, now I'm alone, one of them retired and one of them quit. So I have a bigger work load which is a little more stressful but I don't accelerate my work pace anyway. I'm…

Sorry for my English, my main language is french.

So I work as an electrician for a housing company. The job is cool and paid ok. There is no pressure and I'm autonomous with my own van. We don't need to justify anything regarding what we did and how much time it took as long as we bring some finished work tickets.

It's extremely safe, unless I do some really big mistake, I cannot be fired.

I literally drove over someone while reversing with the company van that was the daughter of someone important in the company and it didn't have any consequences.

But there are three big cons.

  • When I started, we were 3 electrician, now I'm alone, one of them retired and one of them quit. So I have a bigger work load which is a little more stressful but I don't accelerate my work pace anyway.

  • I'm required to transport fridges and electric cookers every week in the appartements and there is no lift. I don't have a strong build. It was divided by 3 electrician but now I'm alone. I move around 3-4 items per week during the year but these last 3 months I probably moved around 100 fridges/oven. I'm so over it and even got salty about it at work. I start having back pain and also inflammation that lasts for several days in the legs. I hate it.

  • We have a “on call” rotating. So for a full week, Monday to Monday, one of us can be called h24-7/7 for breakdown service/technical emergency service. And we have 1-2 calls a day in average. Since we are understaffed, we are only 5 to share this “on call”. Which means 1 week out of 5, my week is ruined and I end up tired for 2 weeks. On the contract it states we are supposed to be around 10 people to share the “on call”

So I'm trying to find a way to get fired.

I thought about different options,

  • straight up refuse to do any fridge/cooker transport anymore. Since I'm the only one doing it, I don't know how it will go.

  • quiet quitting, do half of what I do currently and see where it goes.

  • be patient and wait for more electrician to get hired but it's been 8 months since they are “looking for”. Anyway I don't see myself carrying fridges and cookers in 5-10-15-20 years…

I also considered to turn into part time but I'm sure they won't accept it.

I also considered applying to another job as an electric installation inspector which seems to be a good mix of on site and in office work.

I'm not sure what I'm expecting of this post but I'm exhausted and would like to hear some other opinions/suggesion. Thanks

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