
First corporate job in 17 years and it is an alien world…need coping advice.

When I worked in corporate back in 2007, I had a palm pilot and a 69lb. laptop I was never required to bring home. I was 27. I’ve spent the last 17 years running my own freelance consulting shop, but burnout set in. I thought: take an easy corporate gig and cash in for a few years. The emotional and mental mind fuck is killing me. The memes are real. The people seem 2D, talking about the weather and weekend plans. The CEO is a boring, below average white frat bro who has surrounded himself with pretty quite women as his VPs. The microaggressions and casual white supremacy and cronyism and inauthentic everything — it’s worse than I could have imagined, and now it’s eating at my soul. BUT it is so fucking EASY compared to self employment and stressing about payroll and pipeline and hiring and blah blah. So,…

When I worked in corporate back in 2007, I had a palm pilot and a 69lb. laptop I was never required to bring home. I was 27.

I’ve spent the last 17 years running my own freelance consulting shop, but burnout set in. I thought: take an easy corporate gig and cash in for a few years.

The emotional and mental mind fuck is killing me. The memes are real. The people seem 2D, talking about the weather and weekend plans. The CEO is a boring, below average white frat bro who has surrounded himself with pretty quite women as his VPs.

The microaggressions and casual white supremacy and cronyism and inauthentic everything — it’s worse than I could have imagined, and now it’s eating at my soul.

BUT it is so fucking EASY compared to self employment and stressing about payroll and pipeline and hiring and blah blah.

So, I need strategies to cope. I want this money for as long as I can rake it in, but every day I am about to lose my shit at these fuck heads.

Strategies so far:
– get high (cons: I get chatty and blab in meetings)
– use ChatGPT liberally (cons: turning in shit work periodically)
– outsource the banal and administrative parts of my job to someone else (cons: cuts into my profits).

Need more…..

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