
Employer doesn’t care about my progress or long term success

I've been at my job for the last two years. Since then I've had a consistent increase in quality and efficiency despite workload picking up to where I'm the only one out of my coworkers who's back up to pre-pandemic levels. I've regularly tried to get performance reviews, new long and short term goals, but I keep getting differed to “this week is busy, we'll chat next week” type bs. I've recieved no increased compensation over this time, and no plans for me in the future. I'm now working somewhere around the range of 25-50% effort but I'm hitting the same levels of productivity. I'm starting to get real bored with the job which is starting to effect me outside of work. How would you approach your boss in a firm way to approach these topics? I'm starting to feel career change is the only option now. I do really…

I've been at my job for the last two years. Since then I've had a consistent increase in quality and efficiency despite workload picking up to where I'm the only one out of my coworkers who's back up to pre-pandemic levels.

I've regularly tried to get performance reviews, new long and short term goals, but I keep getting differed to “this week is busy, we'll chat next week” type bs. I've recieved no increased compensation over this time, and no plans for me in the future.

I'm now working somewhere around the range of 25-50% effort but I'm hitting the same levels of productivity. I'm starting to get real bored with the job which is starting to effect me outside of work.

How would you approach your boss in a firm way to approach these topics? I'm starting to feel career change is the only option now.

I do really enjoy what I get to do, but with no goals whatsoever, it's starting to feel pretty stale.

This is a very niche position where there is only one competitor, and they are worse off.
I've been there the second longest out of my two coworkers (in this position) and neither have been offered anything.
Ownership and top management is heavily disconnected being several provinces away.

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