
Manager is abusive and retaliates by cutting hours

Been working for a convenience store for about a year and a half, super easy job but the store manager is verbally abusive and cuts hours as a “punishment”. Basically she yells and screams (I mean SCREAMS, like a pissed off drunk) at all of us if shes having a bad day or if someone does something to make her day the slightest bit harder. There's been several times (including recently) where id stand up to her and ask her to stop treating us the way she does – and on the very next schedule my hours get cut drastically. I know i should just find a new job, but i actually like this one (aside from said manager) Its close to home, fairly easy and (for a while at least) i get full time hours. But it's like walking on eggshells around this person, she targets me a lot…

Been working for a convenience store for about a year and a half, super easy job but the store manager is verbally abusive and cuts hours as a “punishment”.

Basically she yells and screams (I mean SCREAMS, like a pissed off drunk) at all of us if shes having a bad day or if someone does something to make her day the slightest bit harder. There's been several times (including recently) where id stand up to her and ask her to stop treating us the way she does – and on the very next schedule my hours get cut drastically.

I know i should just find a new job, but i actually like this one (aside from said manager) Its close to home, fairly easy and (for a while at least) i get full time hours. But it's like walking on eggshells around this person, she targets me a lot because im pretty conflict averse and will usually take all the bullshit she throws at me.

Most recently, she was screaming at everyone on my shift about a problem with one of the ipads we use (not uploading info properly) shes convinced im not actually doing the work properly, and when i spoke up and said that i do the thing properly and suggested that maybe it was a connectivity issue, she doubled down on the screaming and started acting pretty irrational and shifted the focus of her aggression towards me 100% yelling at me, accusing me of doing xyz wrong, etc. Turns out i was right, it was a connection issue. Did I (or any of us) get an apology? fuck no, This happened last week, now this week she cut me from 40 to 29 hours. This happens like clockwork whenever i do something or say something she doesnt like or stand up to her abuse.

I'm not sure if there's anything i can do outside of looking for a new job. I've never (im 38, have had a LOT of jobs/managers in my life) been treated like this at work before and never had my hours fucked with like this.

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