
Rejected CEO’s advances. Now my performance is being called into question

I’m a 30 something recruiter based in the UK. Any assistance would be appreciated. A month ago, my CEO made advances towards me. He had been flirty since I arrived (late June 2023) including sending emails at inappropriate hours. A month ago, I stupidly accepted his ride after work where he made an attempt to kiss me. He bought me dinner and we went to a park briefly. Stupid, I know. Inappropriate? Absolutely. I refused to kiss him. I made it clear the day after in writing (I have screen grabs) saying that with discovering he was married that day, I was not interested. All has been fine since – I even received news from him of a £1k bonus last week due to my excellent performance. However, some strange events have happened this week. I was called into a “fact-finding” meeting by HR the day after my hospital appointment…

I’m a 30 something recruiter based in the UK. Any assistance would be appreciated. A month ago, my CEO made advances towards me. He had been flirty since I arrived (late June 2023) including sending emails at inappropriate hours. A month ago, I stupidly accepted his ride after work where he made an attempt to kiss me. He bought me dinner and we went to a park briefly. Stupid, I know. Inappropriate? Absolutely. I refused to kiss him. I made it clear the day after in writing (I have screen grabs) saying that with discovering he was married that day, I was not interested. All has been fine since – I even received news from him of a £1k bonus last week due to my excellent performance.

However, some strange events have happened this week. I was called into a “fact-finding” meeting by HR the day after my hospital appointment (last Thursday) enquiring about why I was working from home and didn’t input this into the system. I recently got diagnosed with MS and last Thursday was my first day of treatment. This has been obviously quite distressing for me being diagnosed so young. How could I predict how I would feel? They took me into a meeting where I felt forced to reveal my disability.

Yesterday all 3 candidates I recruited for were rejected for reasons unknown (I have a strong track record of recruiting in my company). Colleagues I’ve worked with have cited how exceptional my performance has been. I had a meeting with my CEO today. He was questioning my performance. Yet suddenly when I asked for an explanation as to why the candidates weren’t good enough, he barely had any explanation. I am now being written for a formal warning alongside my 2 line managers.

Clearly my job is being threatened. What to do? Do I involve lawyers? I have no savings to speak of and hardly parental support. Can anyone please help? Feel completely crushed and exhausted

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