
I got approved for unpaid time off but not under FMLA.

As the title says, i requested an unpaid leave (which my job does not offer unless it meets FMLA guidelines) and got approved. My boss doesn’t really like me much but her boss does so I guess that helped. Anyways, my boss delivered the news but not by email/ in writing and I’m finding it a bit fishy. Should I request a response to my email or should I leave it as is? I work from home so she approved it informally through teams chat. I’m taking the time off to regroup btw. I am burnt out and not feeling well from work.

As the title says, i requested an unpaid leave (which my job does not offer unless it meets FMLA guidelines) and got approved. My boss doesn’t really like me much but her boss does so I guess that helped. Anyways, my boss delivered the news but not by email/ in writing and I’m finding it a bit fishy. Should I request a response to my email or should I leave it as is? I work from home so she approved it informally through teams chat.

I’m taking the time off to regroup btw. I am burnt out and not feeling well from work.

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