
Trying to explain how employment works today to people who aren’t struggling is such a pain

I've been trying to find stable employment for a while now. The job I had before the one I currently have gave us one month notice that they're laying everyone off and also got a severance. At my current job, I got the notice that the project I'm working on is nearing completion and that my last day with the company will be on the 30th of September. I consider myself a seasoned/jaded worker at this point, so I see all jobs as temporary since it seems most businesses follow a hire-fire model to meet business demands/contracts. This makes sense from a business perspective as employees are a big expense for employers who want to maximize profits and societal instability. When I let my parents know that I'm going to be unemployed soon, I get all kinds of unwarranted and useless advice/empty platitudes. “Why?”, “You need to find a job…

I've been trying to find stable employment for a while now. The job I had before the one I currently have gave us one month notice that they're laying everyone off and also got a severance. At my current job, I got the notice that the project I'm working on is nearing completion and that my last day with the company will be on the 30th of September. I consider myself a seasoned/jaded worker at this point, so I see all jobs as temporary since it seems most businesses follow a hire-fire model to meet business demands/contracts. This makes sense from a business perspective as employees are a big expense for employers who want to maximize profits and societal instability. When I let my parents know that I'm going to be unemployed soon, I get all kinds of unwarranted and useless advice/empty platitudes. “Why?”, “You need to find a job that you can stay at for 5 years”, “You're bright, you'll find something”. Little do they know I've been applying for jobs for almost 8 months now even while employed. All rejections/No Response/No Interviews.

I can't imagine what life will be like for future generations when the bare minimum requirement to have a job is a PhD.

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