
All the reasons I hate my last boss

Pretty much just a list of all the reasons I hated my last boss… 1) Changed my salary pay to hourly conveniently when my family had covid in 2020 and I had to miss 2 weeks of work. I only found out when I got a $0 paystub. When I talked to my boss about it, they told me “oh I changed you to hourly awhile ago”. 2) Required employees to claim unemployment at the height of the pandemic 2020 when businesses reopened and we were allowed to return to work. Had us work but stay clocked out. 3) When I signed up on the company insurance plan, told me to tell my dad “fuck you, thanks for costing me an extra $500 a month”, because my dad dropped me from his plan (for other reasons I’m not going into, but it wasn’t his fault) 4) I had a vacation…

Pretty much just a list of all the reasons I hated my last boss…
1) Changed my salary pay to hourly conveniently when my family had covid in 2020 and I had to miss 2 weeks of work. I only found out when I got a $0 paystub. When I talked to my boss about it, they told me “oh I changed you to hourly awhile ago”.
2) Required employees to claim unemployment at the height of the pandemic 2020 when businesses reopened and we were allowed to return to work. Had us work but stay clocked out.
3) When I signed up on the company insurance plan, told me to tell my dad “fuck you, thanks for costing me an extra $500 a month”, because my dad dropped me from his plan (for other reasons I’m not going into, but it wasn’t his fault)
4) I had a vacation planned and pre-approved. He picked up extra days during my pre-planned vacation that required me to be in office. I had to cancel my flight the week before, and didn’t get my money back for the hotel. He never apologized.
5) Made me go in on a weekend to do work that wasn’t part of my job or responsibility, never thanked me.
6) At an annual staff beginning of the year meeting, praised multiple employees and my superior, forgot to mention me. Everyone brought my name up as someone who gets the most work done and is highly productive, my boss didn’t even bat an eye or agree.
7) Company had a IRA matching plan that he somehow NEVER knew how to set up or get in touch with the right person whenever I asked. Kept giving me the wrong information. Another coworker had to pester him for 2 years before she got it from him, which was right before I left.
8) I was living paycheck to paycheck working there. And slowly racking up. cC debt because I couldn’t afford to live. Haven’t taken a real vacation in years, i woudl use my vacation time/pay to work odd jobs to make extra cash. I got offered a job paying $8 more an hour, and working 4 days a week (which I worked at my old job as well on top of doordashing on my days off), my boss offered me a $2 raise and 5 days a week.
9) The day I gave my notice my boss was so angry and was slamming things and I avoided any contact all day. My boss said I’m selfish and just fucked my boss over. I was shaking and had a panic attack at home.
10) There were a few coworkers who notoriously bullied others in the office. I had a panic attack at work once over it and had to go home. I talked to my boss about it and nothing happened. Those coworkers didn’t get talked to. The environment felt so unsafe.
11) My boss let us know every year that they took a “pay cut” to pay their employees. Yet they still somehow owned 2 homes, bought new cars once a year, were building a heated below the ground pool, and a new garage/shop.

There’s probably a lot more that happened that I’ve blocked out. Anyways, just happy I got out of there.

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