
Told my boss to GFY and I don’t regret it

Throwaway for obvious reasons. I worked for a law firm in a support role for 9 years. I was damn good at my job. I’d won awards from the partnership and even been flown to international conferences to speak about my role. In June this year my 9 year old daughter was found to have a lump. We took her to the doctor who referred us to the children’s hospital where it was eventually removed. About 2 weeks later my wife got a call to go in asap as they needed to discuss the results. She called me to tell me and we were hoping it was nothing serious. As it would only take 10 mins for me to get to the hospital we decided I would work and head down if need be. Eventually my phone rang and it was my wife who put the doctor on the phone,…

Throwaway for obvious reasons.

I worked for a law firm in a support role for 9 years. I was damn good at my job. I’d won awards from the partnership and even been flown to international conferences to speak about my role.

In June this year my 9 year old daughter was found to have a lump. We took her to the doctor who referred us to the children’s hospital where it was eventually removed.

About 2 weeks later my wife got a call to go in asap as they needed to discuss the results. She called me to tell me and we were hoping it was nothing serious. As it would only take 10 mins for me to get to the hospital we decided I would work and head down if need be.

Eventually my phone rang and it was my wife who put the doctor on the phone, telling me my daughter had a rare form of cancer. As you can imagine my world crumbled and I lost it.

I called my boss and told him I need to leave. He refused permission stating “I was at work to work and deal with my personal stuff later” even when I told him the situation he still said no. I ended calling him a heartless c##t, he should go and F##k himself and I hope he never gets the call I just got.

Because I don’t keep personal stuff at work I was able to walk out. HR reached out to ask what was happening and I filled them in.

I ended up not coming back because family is more important than work and I luckily live in a country with socialised healthcare so I don’t rely on a shitty job to pay the medical bills

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