
Worked 11.5 hour shift. Only paid for 8

I work in the OR of an extremly busy and successful hospital system. One of the top in the whole country. Basically i help manage the equipment and logistics of over 60 operating rooms and their corresponding PACUs. I have 1 coworker who helps me do this. But to be honest the work load is not even. Also the work load is never light as medical devices are constantly breaking which requires them to be repaired and sent out to the device manufacturer. There are also meetings we attend for OR operations and random things breaking we have to fix through out the day. The other week i was asked to stay after my shift to help facilitate the installation of a surgical robot. This meant i had to wait on the robotic team to get to the hospital, give these guys directions on where to go and how to…

I work in the OR of an extremly busy and successful hospital system. One of the top in the whole country. Basically i help manage the equipment and logistics of over 60 operating rooms and their corresponding PACUs. I have 1 coworker who helps me do this. But to be honest the work load is not even. Also the work load is never light as medical devices are constantly breaking which requires them to be repaired and sent out to the device manufacturer. There are also meetings we attend for OR operations and random things breaking we have to fix through out the day.

The other week i was asked to stay after my shift to help facilitate the installation of a surgical robot. This meant i had to wait on the robotic team to get to the hospital, give these guys directions on where to go and how to get there, reserve a bay at a loading dock, transport equipment to the main OR, clear out the OR so there is space for all this new shit. We didn't end up finishing until 630pm. My shift had started at 7am. Let me boss know i had left at 630 and finally left for the day.

Just yesterday I was told my OT might not get approved but they would give me an full day off. To some this might sound like an ok deal. But i currently have so much vacation time and sick time it looks like i might not even be able to use it all by the end of the year. So this offer means nothing to me. In the past we did get OT. What's the best way to approach this situation?

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