
One day notice? We’re not coming!

We work 5 days a week, 7:45am till 6pm every day. With a 30min unpaid break, that's nearly 50 required hours per week. Now you have the AUDACITY the DAY BEFORE to post that we are required to work this Saturday? If not, we could face discipline up to termination. There are over a hundred workers in the department that's being required to work. We are supposed to be out by 5, but they haven't adjusted the amount of product they run per shift to coincide with the understaffed conditions, therefore we are held up until 6pm 90% of the time. I want change, I want to be heard, I want a union. I've talked and whispered to many of my coworkers since seeing the notice, and many of them agreed that they will not be showing up tomorrow either. I know i could lose my job for this, but…

We work 5 days a week, 7:45am till 6pm every day. With a 30min unpaid break, that's nearly 50 required hours per week.

Now you have the AUDACITY the DAY BEFORE to post that we are required to work this Saturday? If not, we could face discipline up to termination.

There are over a hundred workers in the department that's being required to work. We are supposed to be out by 5, but they haven't adjusted the amount of product they run per shift to coincide with the understaffed conditions, therefore we are held up until 6pm 90% of the time.

I want change, I want to be heard, I want a union.

I've talked and whispered to many of my coworkers since seeing the notice, and many of them agreed that they will not be showing up tomorrow either.

I know i could lose my job for this, but come break time, when production stops and everyone is in the breakroom, I'm trying to build up the courage to start a chant:


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