
Shamed for not wanting or applying for, a promotion.

When I got my job I went in pretty optimistic. But when I stayed for a bit, I realized I didn't love it. But I like the benefits and the hours so I stayed. They asked me to take a temporary promotion a little while back so I said yeah sure. I didn't like it, and felt overwhelmed because it didn't really jive with my work and learning style, and the pay increase was miniscule. So I went back to my old role. I really don't want to do this job forever, I just want to do it to pay my bills and I'm casually looking for something else. My work has a funny way of paying you for promotions. They put you on a learning wage instead of full wage, and this can go on for years. So they kept asking me to take a promotion. I didn't like…

When I got my job I went in pretty optimistic. But when I stayed for a bit, I realized I didn't love it. But I like the benefits and the hours so I stayed. They asked me to take a temporary promotion a little while back so I said yeah sure. I didn't like it, and felt overwhelmed because it didn't really jive with my work and learning style, and the pay increase was miniscule. So I went back to my old role. I really don't want to do this job forever, I just want to do it to pay my bills and I'm casually looking for something else.

My work has a funny way of paying you for promotions. They put you on a learning wage instead of full wage, and this can go on for years.

So they kept asking me to take a promotion. I didn't like the work or the pay, so I said no. Then they kept asking. I kept declining. Then they started to belittle me. “We think you're ready for this,” or “are you scared?”. No, I just don't want it.

The reason they're pushing this so hard is because we're very short staffed. They alternate between belittling me (“we think you're ready for this”) and trying to force my hand (“if you don't accept this you will not move up in this field”).

I don't intend to stay in this field and the job doesn't make me happy. And yet they keep pushing. And I really don't like how they're trying to frame it like something wrong with me for not wanting it.

Is it so hard to normalize a job being a job? I am not ashamed of my job.

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