
Guess I won’t be getting that raise I was promised.

I have worked my my company for almost 2 years this is not able due to the very high turn over rate we have at least in my department. (People typically use it to move up) but, I love it yes it's stressful but it's also fun and I like it. Anyway, when I started I got 12$ an hour then at my 1 year it was bumped to 13$. well around that time we got a ton of new people all over the country and the company raised it's minimum wage to 14$ for my position. But, now I make what new people make after they work here for a few weeks and I asked for a raise. They said maybe. Then we had a bad month and a lot of people got fired and I was almost one. But, I was lucky. However, it does feel like a…

I have worked my my company for almost 2 years this is not able due to the very high turn over rate we have at least in my department. (People typically use it to move up) but, I love it yes it's stressful but it's also fun and I like it.

Anyway, when I started I got 12$ an hour then at my 1 year it was bumped to 13$. well around that time we got a ton of new people all over the country and the company raised it's minimum wage to 14$ for my position. But, now I make what new people make after they work here for a few weeks and I asked for a raise.

They said maybe. Then we had a bad month and a lot of people got fired and I was almost one. But, I was lucky. However, it does feel like a slap in the face because I asked for a raise and now due to what happened it probably won't happen. Any advice? I can't really change jobs at the moment due to having nothing to fall back on and trust me I've been looking not even a restaurant or Walmart is hiring near me.

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