
Not sure if this is a violation of rights.

Alright bear with me here got a lil backstory too. I work from home and take calls, our phone system is part of the computer and has a button to push for ur status (available, break, on lunch etc.) we’re allowed 2 15 minute breaks which I assumed were logged out on the correct status right, and from what I was aware of if we needed to use the bathroom or step away to use the break status. This is how I’ve always done it since December of last year. This Monday we got a new supe who has been here a while and she says I exceeded my break usage for the day (after I get back from my first logged 15 and using the normal bathroom status aka break status earlier to take a dump for ab 20 min) so naturally I was confused as to how I…

Alright bear with me here got a lil backstory too. I work from home and take calls, our phone system is part of the computer and has a button to push for ur status (available, break, on lunch etc.) we’re allowed 2 15 minute breaks which I assumed were logged out on the correct status right, and from what I was aware of if we needed to use the bathroom or step away to use the break status. This is how I’ve always done it since December of last year. This Monday we got a new supe who has been here a while and she says I exceeded my break usage for the day (after I get back from my first logged 15 and using the normal bathroom status aka break status earlier to take a dump for ab 20 min) so naturally I was confused as to how I exceeded this time frame. She then writes that the 2 15 minute breaks include bathroom breaks. Now for the best part, I’ve used the bathroom like this under this supe for the last week and she chooses now to say something about it, but wait it gets better. Our break time is set by the employer and I have my first 15 @ 11am 30 for lunch @ 12:40 and my last 15 @ 4pm… I did ask if this meant I couldn’t use the bathroom and was told I could yes but I must use the time wisely since I’m only allotted 30 min of break time. Thoughts?

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