
Interview process for an entry-level role is literal insanity. Have employers completely lost their minds?

My partner is in the process of interviewing for an administrative support position. So far they have gone through one phone and two zoom interviews, and are on the way to the office for an in-person interview. They were just sent an agenda for their interview showing a 90 minute schedule in which they will meet and speak to six people. This is all for a 42k/year admin position. Entry level. Is it just me, or is this utter insanity? I would understand this level of vetting for a management or senior coordinator/developer position, but for an administrative support position this seems beyond ridiculous. From speaking to friends who are also applying to jobs, this level of ridiculous interview circus is becoming more and more common. So, have employers in the US just completely lost their minds? What possible utility can all of this have? Unemployment is still super low…

My partner is in the process of interviewing for an administrative support position. So far they have gone through one phone and two zoom interviews, and are on the way to the office for an in-person interview. They were just sent an agenda for their interview showing a 90 minute schedule in which they will meet and speak to six people. This is all for a 42k/year admin position. Entry level. Is it just me, or is this utter insanity? I would understand this level of vetting for a management or senior coordinator/developer position, but for an administrative support position this seems beyond ridiculous. From speaking to friends who are also applying to jobs, this level of ridiculous interview circus is becoming more and more common. So, have employers in the US just completely lost their minds? What possible utility can all of this have? Unemployment is still super low and there are hundreds of thousands of unfilled positions and every employer out there seems to be looking for the perfect rockstar-ninja-unicorn employee. Madness.

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