
Anyone have experiencing navigating getting time off for a trip you planned prior to your employment?

So basically I just started a job, it’s in healthcare but NOT a clinical role. Honestly doesn’t even seem like the role is very necessary in the first place, but I digress. It was advertised to me as a position with self scheduling, so I assumed the short trips I had planned months in advance wouldn’t be an issue. I was clearly wrong about this. I was advised to email my manager by the person training me when I mentioned that I had these planned and booked prior to my employment. I assumed this wouldn’t be an issue, as we work only 3 DAYS per week and these are non refundable trips I booked prior to my employment. I expressed that in my email, as well as said pretty firmly that I would not be available to work these days. One of them is a wedding in which I am…

So basically I just started a job, it’s in healthcare but NOT a clinical role. Honestly doesn’t even seem like the role is very necessary in the first place, but I digress. It was advertised to me as a position with self scheduling, so I assumed the short trips I had planned months in advance wouldn’t be an issue. I was clearly wrong about this.

I was advised to email my manager by the person training me when I mentioned that I had these planned and booked prior to my employment. I assumed this wouldn’t be an issue, as we work only 3 DAYS per week and these are non refundable trips I booked prior to my employment. I expressed that in my email, as well as said pretty firmly that I would not be available to work these days. One of them is a wedding in which I am a bridesmaid, the other is a holiday trip to see my family that I have not seen in over a year due to last year’s weather crisis.

When my manager emailed me back, he basically said they put in these requests very far in advance and he couldn’t guarantee I get the time off for them. How would I have even put in the requests farther in advance when I wasn’t even employed there yet? He told me to see if I could work it out with my coworkers but ultimately implied if not that I’d have to work anyway.

The bottom line is I will not miss these incredibly important trips that do not last longer than 5 days total each (and remember that those in my role are only scheduled 2-3 days per week). I would quit the job before I would miss the trips, but it’s so hard finding a job nowadays that I don’t want to start back at square one. The job doesn’t even pay very well. Has anyone had experience navigating a similar situation? What was the outcome? Any advice?

To me, it’s insane to expect your brand new employee to cancel their non refundable trip, especially as a member of the bridal party, that they booked months before their employment. It’s already giving me a lot of red flags especially since this job was advertised to me as one with very flexible scheduling, and I feel like I was not properly informed of the process in advance before accepting the position.

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