
New job and I’m already ready to quit… but I can’t :-)

I started a new job about a month ago and I’m ready to look elsewhere . They seemed very impressed in my interview and even mentioned moving me up in the company in the future. I’m absolutely overqualified for the position, however, I came from a different industry and lack product knowledge. Now that I’ve started, I’m left out of meetings and conversations that I feel like I’m capable of having. I’m not being fully utilized and I feel like I’m treated like an idiot because I lack product knowledge. I don’t have clarification on who I report to, but my mentor/coworker seems to think that he’s my manager… and he’s definitely threatened by me. I barely have enough work to do but always ask if I can help with anything. Whenever I have a free second and check my phone, he looks over and gives me pointless shit to…

I started a new job about a month ago and I’m ready to look elsewhere . They seemed very impressed in my interview and even mentioned moving me up in the company in the future. I’m absolutely overqualified for the position, however, I came from a different industry and lack product knowledge. Now that I’ve started, I’m left out of meetings and conversations that I feel like I’m capable of having. I’m not being fully utilized and I feel like I’m treated like an idiot because I lack product knowledge.

I don’t have clarification on who I report to, but my mentor/coworker seems to think that he’s my manager… and he’s definitely threatened by me. I barely have enough work to do but always ask if I can help with anything. Whenever I have a free second and check my phone, he looks over and gives me pointless shit to do. He thinks he’s giving me hours of busy work because he wants me to do everything manually. I knock it out quick because I know SQL/Excel and that seems to bother him. Basically, I get his “bitch work” despite my experience.

Anyways, I can’t quit yet because I started midway through the pay cycle and they accidentally paid my full salary. Now I’m paying it back over the next few months. It’s probably too early to talk to the bosses about this, right? Or should I just suck it up and quit when I find something else?

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