
Management charges employees for accidental walk out

I was at a restaurant last night and my server opened a tab for me. We got to talking and it turns out that the owner will (and has done so in the past) charge employees on their personal credit cards/cash if a group accidentally forgets to pay…. I know it's illegal in california to dock pay for something like that off someones check but I wanted to make sure if it's still illegal to charge someone for it even if it's their money, right? Looking for feedback/advice

I was at a restaurant last night and my server opened a tab for me. We got to talking and it turns out that the owner will (and has done so in the past) charge employees on their personal credit cards/cash if a group accidentally forgets to pay…. I know it's illegal in california to dock pay for something like that off someones check but I wanted to make sure if it's still illegal to charge someone for it even if it's their money, right? Looking for feedback/advice

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