
In case you weren’t already depressed, here’s what it takes to live in California comfortably… I used ChatGPT 4 for this.

Pre note: Before you read, the formatting broke since I directly copied and pasted it from ChatGPT, but I tried to make it as readable as possible. (If you want to prompt it yourself, the phrase “ChatGPT” after each prompt is not part of the question). The math equations f'ed up inside the app already, so it looks even worse here, just look at the end results instead. Prompt: Calculate the cost of living in California and recommend a livable wage. ChatGPT Calculating the cost of living in California requires accounting for several factors such as housing, transportation, food, healthcare, education, and other miscellaneous expenses. Note that the cost of living can vary widely within California due to differences in local economies, housing markets, and job opportunities. San Francisco, for example, has one of the highest costs of living in the country, while rural areas in California might have significantly…

Pre note: Before you read, the formatting broke since I directly copied and pasted it from ChatGPT, but I tried to make it as readable as possible. (If you want to prompt it yourself, the phrase “ChatGPT” after each prompt is not part of the question). The math equations f'ed up inside the app already, so it looks even worse here, just look at the end results instead.

Prompt: Calculate the cost of living in California and recommend a livable wage. ChatGPT

Calculating the cost of living in California requires accounting for several factors such as housing, transportation, food, healthcare, education, and other miscellaneous expenses. Note that the cost of living can vary widely within California due to differences in local economies, housing markets, and job opportunities. San Francisco, for example, has one of the highest costs of living in the country, while rural areas in California might have significantly lower costs.

As of my last update in 2022, here's a rough breakdown of monthly expenses for a single person living in a median-cost California city:

  1. Housing: A one-bedroom apartment in a mid-tier area might cost between $2,000 to $3,500.
  2. Utilities: Electricity, water, garbage, and heating for a 915-square-foot apartment can range from $100 to $200.
  3. Food: Average monthly grocery expenses could be between $300 to $500.
  4. Transportation: Assuming a combination of driving and public transport, expenses might be $200 to $400 per month.
  5. Healthcare: Health insurance and out-of-pocket expenses can vary greatly but might average $300 to $500 per month.
  6. Miscellaneous: Entertainment, dining out, personal care, and other miscellaneous costs might be another $200 to $400 per month.

Adding up these expenses, we get a rough monthly total of $3,100 to $5,500 or an annual total of $37,200 to $66,000.

However, for a “livable” wage, one should not just aim for the bare minimum. A livable wage should allow for savings, emergencies, and occasional leisure activities.

If we aim to ensure a person can live comfortably and save, we might target the higher end of our estimates and add a buffer. Taking the $66,000 annual expense and adding a 20% buffer for savings and emergencies gives us $79,200.

Therefore, based on the 2022 data, a livable annual wage for a single person living in a median-cost California city might be around $79,200 or roughly $38 per hour for a full-time, 40-hour-per-week job.

Remember, these are broad estimates. The actual cost of living and recommended wage can vary based on personal circumstances, specific location in California, and changes in the economy. Always consult local sources and conduct detailed research before making financial decisions.

Prompt: What types of jobs make $38 per hour? ChatGPT

A wage of $38 per hour equates to an annual salary of approximately $79,040 before taxes, assuming a 40-hour workweek and 52 weeks per year. Here are several professions that might earn around this wage or higher, depending on the location, experience, and specific employer:

  1. Healthcare Professions:
  • Registered Nurses: In many areas, experienced RNs can earn this amount or more.
  • Dental Hygienists: They often earn a high hourly wage for their specialized skills.
  • Radiologic Technologists: Specializing in X-rays, MRIs, or other imaging technologies.
  1. Tech & IT:
  • Software Developers: Depending on the region and experience.
  • IT Managers: Overseeing IT departments or projects.
  • Database Administrators: Managing and ensuring the integrity of databases.
  1. Engineering & Construction:
  • Civil Engineers: Planning and overseeing infrastructure projects.
  • Mechanical Engineers: Designing and developing mechanical systems and products.
  • Construction Managers: Overseeing construction projects from start to finish.
  1. Business & Finance:
  • Financial Analysts: Especially those with several years of experience.
  • Accountants: Particularly those with specialized certifications like CPAs.
  • Human Resources Managers: Overseeing recruitment, training, and employee relations.
  1. Skilled Trades:
  • Electricians: Especially master electricians or those with specializations.
  • Plumbers: Experienced or specialized plumbers can command high hourly rates.
  • HVAC Technicians: Especially those who handle both installation and repair.
  1. Education & Training:
  • Postsecondary Educators: Professors at colleges or vocational schools.
  • Instructional Coordinators: Overseeing school curricula and teaching standards.
  1. Public Services:
  • Firefighters: Particularly those in higher ranks or with specialized training.
  • Police Detectives: Investigating crimes and gathering evidence.
  1. Legal:
  • Paralegals: Especially those in specialized fields or large law firms.
  1. Creative & Media:
  • Graphic Designers: With a strong portfolio and years of experience.
  • Art Directors: Overseeing visual and creative direction for projects or campaigns.

Remember, the specific wage can vary significantly based on factors like experience, education, certifications, geographic location, and the particular employer. Some of these professions might earn significantly more than $38 per hour, especially with several years of experience or in high-demand areas. Always consult specific salary data for your area and industry.

It looks like we forgot about taxes…

Prompt: You said “before taxes”, how much do you have to make to earn $79200? ChatGPT

To determine how much you'd need to earn before taxes to take home $79,200 after taxes, we need to consider multiple factors:

  1. Federal Income Tax Rate: The U.S. has a progressive tax system, meaning the rate you pay increases as your income does. The tax brackets change periodically due to inflation adjustments and tax law changes.
  2. State Income Tax Rate: Since we're talking about California, you'd also have to account for state income taxes, which can be substantial.
  3. FICA Taxes: These are your contributions to Social Security and Medicare. As of 2022, this rate is 7.65% for employees (with employers matching this amount), which includes a 6.2% contribution to Social Security on earnings up to a certain threshold and a 1.45% contribution to Medicare on all earnings. High earners pay an additional 0.9% Medicare tax on earnings above a certain threshold.
  4. Other Deductions: These can include things like health insurance, retirement contributions, or other workplace deductions, though they're not strictly taxes.

For simplicity's sake, let's just consider federal and state income taxes, along with FICA.

Assuming a single filer with standard deductions and no additional credits:

  1. Federal Tax: Rough estimation might be about 12-22% effective rate for someone in this income range, but this can vary based on exact earnings, deductions, and credits.
  2. California State Tax: This can vary, but let's assume an effective rate of about 6-9% for someone in this range.
  3. FICA: 7.65% for Social Security and Medicare.

Adding those up, we might get an effective tax rate of 25-39% (a rough estimate combining all of the above).

To figure out the pre-tax income required, let's use the formula:

Pre-tax Income=Desired Net Income1−Effective Tax RatePre-tax Income=1−Effective Tax RateDesired Net Income​

Using the upper end of our tax estimation (39%):

text{Pre-tax Income} = frac{$79,200}{1 – 0.39} = $129,836.07

And on the lower end (25%):

text{Pre-tax Income} = frac{$79,200}{1 – 0.25} = $105,600

So, based on this rough estimation and not accounting for other potential deductions or credits, you'd need to earn between $105,600 and $129,836 before taxes to take home $79,200 in California. Remember, this is a broad estimate, and actual numbers could vary based on individual situations and any changes to tax codes. Always consult with a tax professional for precise calculations.

Prompt: How much per hour would you need to be making? ChatGPT

To determine how much you'd need to earn per hour to achieve a given annual salary, you'll divide the annual salary by the total number of hours worked in a year.

Assuming a standard full-time job with a 40-hour workweek and 52 weeks per year (no time off), here's the calculation:

Using our previous estimated range of pre-tax income to net $79,200 after taxes:

  1. Lower end ($105,600): Hourly Wage=Annual SalaryHours per YearHourly Wage=Hours per YearAnnual Salary​ text{Hourly Wage} = frac{$105,600}{40 times 52} = $50.77
  2. Upper end ($129,836): text{Hourly Wage} = frac{$129,836}{40 times 52} = $62.52

So, based on our earlier rough tax estimation, you'd need to earn between approximately $50.77 and $62.52 per hour (before taxes) to take home an equivalent of $79,200 annually in California.

Again, remember that these figures are broad estimates, and actual numbers could vary based on individual situations, specific tax scenarios, and potential changes to tax codes.

Prompt: What jobs make between $50.77 and $62.52 per hour? ChatGPT

Several professions can fall within the hourly wage range of $50.77 to $62.52, especially when considering years of experience, specific locations, certifications, and specializations. Here's a list of jobs that might command such wages:

  1. Healthcare:
  • Physician Assistants: They work alongside doctors and can earn high wages depending on their specialization and experience.
  • Pharmacists: Especially those in management roles or specialized areas.
  • Nurse Practitioners: These are advanced practice registered nurses with additional training and authority.
  1. Tech & IT:
  • Senior Software Developers: With specialized skills or experience in high-demand areas.
  • IT Managers and Directors: Overseeing IT departments or specific tech projects.
  • Cybersecurity Analysts: Especially those with significant experience or specialized certifications.
  1. Engineering:
  • Senior Engineers: Across various disciplines like civil, electrical, mechanical, and chemical, especially those with many years of experience.
  • Engineering Managers: Overseeing teams of engineers and projects.
  1. Business & Finance:
  • Finance Managers: Overseeing an organization's finances, budgeting, and financial planning.
  • Management Consultants: Especially those with specialized expertise or working for top consulting firms.
  • Investment Bankers: Particularly those beyond the entry level.
  1. Legal:
  • Attorneys: Especially those with specializations or working in larger markets or prestigious firms.
  • Legal Consultants: Providing specialized advice on legal matters.
  1. Real Estate:
  • Commercial Real Estate Brokers: Dealing with high-value properties or transactions.
  1. Education & Training:
  • University Professors: Especially at prestigious institutions or those in higher positions or with tenure.
  1. Energy & Resources:
  • Petroleum Engineers: Working in the oil and gas industry.
  1. Creative & Media:
  • Senior Art Directors or Creative Directors: Overseeing the creative direction for marketing or advertising campaigns.
  1. Research & Development:
  • Senior Scientists: Particularly those in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, or other high-tech industries.

This list is not exhaustive, and the specific wage can vary significantly based on factors like geographic location, industry demand, years of experience, and the specific employer. Some professionals might earn even more than this range, especially with bonuses, overtime, or other forms of compensation. Always consult specific salary data for your area and industry to get a clearer picture.

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