
“Stop obsessing about getting raises” – my mother, who complains that she’s broke every time we talk

Just wanted to rant super quick – I’m pretty new to the job market as a current intern / college student, and I typically go to my mom for career advice since she works in HR and is plenty more experienced than me. So I asked her for advice when negotiating my salary (“you’re an intern, don’t.”) And I asked for insight into when raises happen and if they’d apply to me, since it’s a 2 year internship (“don’t expect it”) And I’ll offhandedly mention looking at other jobs and that I’ll only apply/accept them if they pay significantly more since I like my current one (“stop obsessing over money”) I’m paying my own way through college and don’t want loans. My entire life she’s complained about how expensive my siblings and I are, how we’re broke so she can’t go out. Literally today she asked what she should do…

Just wanted to rant super quick – I’m pretty new to the job market as a current intern / college student, and I typically go to my mom for career advice since she works in HR and is plenty more experienced than me.

So I asked her for advice when negotiating my salary (“you’re an intern, don’t.”)

And I asked for insight into when raises happen and if they’d apply to me, since it’s a 2 year internship (“don’t expect it”)

And I’ll offhandedly mention looking at other jobs and that I’ll only apply/accept them if they pay significantly more since I like my current one (“stop obsessing over money”)

I’m paying my own way through college and don’t want loans. My entire life she’s complained about how expensive my siblings and I are, how we’re broke so she can’t go out. Literally today she asked what she should do this weekend and decided “we’re broke right now, I’ll just stay in.”

How is it that she can simultaneously obsess over not having enough money (despite being pretty rich), and judge me for seeking more?

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