
As a 2 person company, is it unreasonable to expect to know when ads are out for new hires and in what capacity?

I truly don’t know if I’m in the right to feel slighted because this happened. And please keep in mind this is one reason out of many but it’s one that he seemed completely taken aback by. We also work remotely and generally only communicate via phone or text but throughout the year I’ve spent a decent amount of time with my boss. I cited a reason for quitting my job was that I had no idea ads were going out for new hires, even though we had talked about it eventually happening a month before, until I got a notification that the ads were out. He had also put out 2 different ads, one describing the position I was in, and one slightly different as a contract position for 3 months. Maybe 2 weeks later he mentioned in passing he had put the ads out but I didn’t really…

I truly don’t know if I’m in the right to feel slighted because this happened. And please keep in mind this is one reason out of many but it’s one that he seemed completely taken aback by. We also work remotely and generally only communicate via phone or text but throughout the year I’ve spent a decent amount of time with my boss.

I cited a reason for quitting my job was that I had no idea ads were going out for new hires, even though we had talked about it eventually happening a month before, until I got a notification that the ads were out. He had also put out 2 different ads, one describing the position I was in, and one slightly different as a contract position for 3 months. Maybe 2 weeks later he mentioned in passing he had put the ads out but I didn’t really say too much about them because I thought as resumes come in he would have included me in some part of the process since I would be training and working daily, face to face, with either person. At this point though, I began looking for other jobs, as I didn’t know if mine was on the line.

I tell a friend to apply for the contract position, as I would be working more directly with that person and she would be a good fit for the job for various reasons.

I then over hear him telling one of his friends at an event (that he ditched me at) that he had literal days worth of interviews so he had been sending me to deal with his customers because he couldn’t keep up. He does interview my friend, but tells her he’s looking for someone more “long term” so it’s not actually a contract position.

The next time I hear about it is when it’s one persons first day but couldn’t make it in for medical reasons. The same with the second person. I had absolutely no notice that they had been hired until their first day when he told me to change plans to train them.

It’s not my company nor do I have a stake in it, and am done after today but I feel like it’s reasonable, when it’s a 2 person company, to kind of know when these are happening as they happen and not as an afterthought or after the fact.

He told me my expectations were out of line (after telling me his vision for the company involved me) and asked why would being included even matter, and scoffed when I told him because I’m the one training, working daily with and am the one responsible for these people. He also said he felt I was busy enough and didn’t want to over burden me.

I also feel like a fool directing a friend to apply when she didn’t actually meet what he was looking for.

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